Worship videos

"Let everything that has breath praise the lord." Psalm 150:6  This old hymns is such a reminder that every being has its own way of praising the Creator. Trees grow toward the Light without hesitation...perhaps that's a form of praise. Birds sing each morning at the sunrise symphony. That must be praise. One person sings, another prays, another marches for justice, another dances, another grieves...across the globe humanity experiences joy and moans... reaching out and up to the unseen hands of a Creator that brings life. 

Sometimes I wonder if we search our entire lives for "home." Is it a physical place? A spiritual unseen? Perhaps it's a place in the soul where we can always count on being held by something or someone bigger than ourselves. And, perhaps that looks different to each person. 

a new day prayer

Diversity awakens us to new perspectives as we learn from one another. The African philosophy of being human "Ubuntu" has captured my heart. It's expressed in the phrases, "I am because of who we are." Blessed Be the Tie That Binds Us Together as Humanity into a Living Organism of Love.